Chris Ferguson's Publications

Academic Publications:

Note:  Sole funding for these studies comes from my home institution (TAMIU before 8/2013, Stetson University after).  I receive no outside funding for research.

Manuscripts below are generally "in press" versions and may differ slightly from final published manuscripts.  Final manuscripts can genrally be found by visiting the Journal web-page. 

In Press [please email for updated preprints]:

Gunnoe, M.L., Larzelere, R.E., Ferguson, C.J., & Cox, R.B. (in press).  An update on the scientific evidence for and against the legal banning of disciplinary spanking. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Henderson, H., Bourgeois, J., Smith, S., Ferguson, C.J., & Barthelemy, J. (in press). Economic correlates of crime: An empirical test in Houston. Journal of Criminal Justice.

Larzelere, R. E., Gunnoe, M. L., Pritsker, J., & Ferguson, C. J. (In press). Resolving the contradictory conclusions from three reviews of controlled longitudinal studies of physical punishment: A meta-analysis. Marriage & Family Review

Ferguson, C.J., Kaye, L.K., Branley-Bell, D., & Markey, P.  (in press).  There is no evidence that time spent on social media is correlated with adolescent mental health problems: Findings from a meta-analysis.  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.

Ferguson, C.J.  (in press).  Do visual depictions of monster orcs involve visual racial stereotypes? A brief report.  Discover Psychology. 

Ferguson, C.J. (in press).  Do social media experiments prove a link with mental health: A methodological and meta-analytic review.  Psychology of Popular Media.

                            Note: The data file for this is updated to fix a few minor errors and is available at:

Ferguson, C.J., & Smith, S.  (in press).  Race, class, and criminal adjudication: Is the US criminal justice system as biased as is often assumed? A meta-analytic review.  Aggression and Violent Behavior.

Ferguson, C.J., Bradley, C., Hill, M., Karon, B., Madison, S., Mais, K., Mauro, J., Monde, A., Radesi, L., Shaw, S., Washington, C., & Wilkerson, M.  (in press).  The Resident Evil study: Do depictions of race matter in action video games?  Discover Psychology. 

Ferguson, C.J.  (in press).  Longitudinal associations between social media use and mental health outcomes in sample of Irish youth: A brief report.  Communication Reports.

Henderson, H., Smith, S., Ferguson, C.J., Pitts, J., Fockler, C.  (in press).  Ecological and social correlates of violent crime.  SN Social Sciences.

Copenhaver, A., Bowman, N., & Ferguson, C.J. (in press). Rage, prayers and partisanship: US congressional membership’s engagement of Twitter as framing tool following the Parkland shooting. Journal of Mass Violence Research

Ferguson, C.J.  (in press).  An evolutionary model for aggression in youth: Rethinking aggression in terms of the Catalyst Model.  New Ideas in Psychology.

Smith, S., Askew, R., Ferguson, C.J., Henderson, H., Montgomery, D., & Olumuyiwa, S.  (in press).  A Descriptive Analysis of Police Shootings in Houston.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.  

Copenhaver, A., Ferguson, C.J., & Reed, J.C., (in press). Is violent video game playing related to trait aggression or depression among law enforcement officers? Trends in Psychology.

Ferguson, C.J.  (in press).  Negative perceptions of race relations: A brief report examining the impact of news media coverage of police shootings, and actual fatal police shootings.  The Social Science Journal.  



Henderson, H., Bourgeois, J. W., Smith, S., Ferguson, C. J., & Barthelemy, J. (2024). Police shootings, violent crime, race and socio‐economic factors in municipalities in the United States of AmericaCriminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 32, 296-310.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2024).  Cyberbullying and its relation to right and left authoritarianism, Trait victimhood, and mental illness.  Psychology of Popular Media, 13, 472-480.


Ferguson, C.J.  (2023).  Does the internet make the world worse?  Depression, aggression and polarization in the social media age.  Bulleting of Science, Technology, & Society, 70, 1-8.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2023).  Are Orcs Racist?  Dungeons and Dragons, Ethnocentrism, Anxiety, and the Depiction of “Evil” Monsters.  Current Psychology, 42, 12400-12408.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2023).  The American Psychological Association’s practice guidelines for men and boys: Are they hurting rather than helping male mental wellness?.  New Ideas in Psychology, 68, 1-8.

Ferguson, C.J.
, Jeong, E.J., & Wang, J.C.K.  (2023). Pathological gaming: A longitudinal study from the perspectives of mental health problems and social stress model.  The Journal of General Psychology, 150, 323-343.

Smith, S., Ferguson, C.J., Askew, R., Pitts, J., & Hinderleider, A.  (2023).  Gun ownership, poverty, and mental health associations with cime: A cross state comparison.  Criminology and Criminal Justice, 23, 257-272. 

Devilly, G.J., Drummond, A., Sauer, J.D., Copenhaver, A., Kneer, J., & Ferguson, C.J., (2024). Directional is the new null? A comment on Bushman & Anderson (2021)Psychology of Popular Media, 12, 364-372.


Smith, S., Ferguson, C.J., San Miguel, C.E., Ynalvez, M.A., Henderson, H.  (2022).  Social, health and ethnicity correlates of complaints of excessive police force.  Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 32, 284-294. 

Ferguson, C.J., Kaye, L., Branley-Bell, D., Markey, P., Ivory, J., Klisanin, D., et al.  (2022). 
Like This Meta-analysis: Screen Media and Mental Health.  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 53, 205-214.

Sanchez, M., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2022).  Exposure to bullying, childhood trauma and violence in video games among perpetrators of mass homicides; A brief report.  Journal of Mass Violence Research, 1, 72-80.

Ferguson, C.J., Sauer, J.D., Drummond, A., Kneer, J., & Lowe-Calverley, E.  (2022).  Does Sexualization in Video Games Cause Harm In Players?  A Meta-Analytic Examination.  Computers in Human Behavior, 135, 107341.

Ferguson, C.J., Gryshyna, A., Kim, J.S., Knowles, E., Nadeem, Z., Cardozo, I., Esser, C., Trebbi,V., & Willis, E.  (2022).  Video games, difficulty, violence and virtual reality: Two studies.  British Journal of Social Psychology, 61, 83-99.

Ferguson, C.J., & Hartley, R.D.  (2022).  Pornography and sexual aggression: Can meta-analysis find a link?  Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 23, 278-287.

Mubarak, N., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2022).  Pride and prejudice and zombies…and statistics: Effects of powerful female role-models in media on attitudes towards women, and female viewer anxiety.  Current Psychology, 41 691-696.

Garcia, S., Ferguson, C.J., & Wang, C.K.J.  (2022).  Prosocial video game content, empathy and cognitive ability in a large sample of youth.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 62-73.

Smith, S., Ferguson, C.J., & Henderson, H.  (2022).  An Exploratory Study of Environmental Stress in Four High Violent Crime Cities: What Sets Them Apart?  Crime and Delinquency, 68, 2092-2114.

Barrington, G., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2022).  Stress and violence in video games: Their influence on aggression.  Trends in Psychology, 30, 497-512.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2022).  Does exposure to sexualized media lead to boys’ objectification of girls and women?: A preregistered, longitudinal reanalysis of Rousseau et al. (2019).  Adolescent Psychiatry, 12, 60-66.

Birman, A., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2022).  Impact of different genres of background music on a memory test and anxiety.  Journal of Individual Differences, 43, 188-193. 


Ferguson C.J. (2021) Teaching media psychology: Or how do I distinguish the data from the dumpster fire? In: Zumbach J., Bernstein D., Narciss S., Marsico G. (eds) International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham.

Ferguson, C.J., & Smith, S.  (2021).  Examining homicides and suicides cross-nationally: Economic factors, guns and video games.  International Journal of Psychology, 56, 812-823.

Ferguson, C.J., & Heene, M.  (2021).  Providing a lower-bound estimate for psychology’s “crud factor”: The case of aggression.  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52, 620-626.

Ferguson, C.J. & Glasgow, B.  (2021).  Who are GamerGate? A descriptive study of individuals involved in the GamerGate controversy.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 10, 243-247. 

Drummond, A., Sauer, J.D, Ferguson, C.J., Cannon, P.R., & Hall, L.C., (2021). Violent and non-violent virtual reality video games. Influences on affect, aggressive cognition, and aggressive behaviour: Two pre-registered experimentsJournal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95, 104119. 

Ferguson, C.J., & Wang, C.K.J.  (2021).  Aggressive video games are not a risk factor for mental health problems in youth: A longitudinal study.  Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 74(1), 70-73.

Hall, L.C., Drummond, A., Sauer, J.D., Ferguson, C.J.  (2021).  Effects of self-isolation and quarantine on loot box spending and excessive gaming—results of a natural experiment.  PeerJ. 

Ferguson, C.J.  (2021).  Links between screen use and depressive symptoms in adolescents over 16 years: Is there evidence for increased harm?  Developmental Science, 24(1), e13008.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2021).  One less reason why: Viewing of suicide-themed fictional media is associated with lower depressive symptoms in youth.  Mass Communication and Society. 24(1), 85-105.  Note Table 2 was mangled in copyediting so the correct table 2 is here.

Turel, O., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2021).  Excessive use of technology: Can tech-providers be the culprits?  Communications of the ACM, 64(1), 42-44.  


Ferguson, C.J.  (2020).  Aggressive video games research emerges from its replication crisis (sort of).  Current Opinion in Psychology, 36, 1-6.

Lindner, D., Trible, M., Pilato, I., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2020).  Examining the effects of exposure to a sexualized female video game protagonist on women’s body image.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 9(4), 553-560.

Ferguson, C.J., & Lindner, D.  (2020).  Keep your friends close, your adversaries closer.  The Psychologist, 33, 34-35.

Ferguson, C.J., & Colwell, J.  (2020).  Sexualized video games, sexist attitudes and empathy toward victims of rape:  Correlational evidence for a relationship is minimal in an online study.  Criminal Behavior and Mental Health, 30(1), 16-27. 

Larzelere, R., Gunnoe, M., Roberts, M., Lin, H., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2020).  Causal evidence for exclusively positive parenting and for timeout: Rejoinder to Holden, Grogan-Kaylor, Durrant, and Gershoff (2017).  Marriage and Family Review, 56(4), 287-319.

Ferguson, C. J., & Colwell, J.  (2020).  Lack of consensus among scholars on the issue of video game “addiction.”  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 9(3), 359-366.

Ferguson, C.J., Copenhaver, A. & Markey, P.  (2020).  Re-examining the findings of the APA’s 2015 task force on violent media: A meta-analysis.  Perspectives on Psychological Science 15(6), 1423-1443. 

Drummond, A., Sauer, J.D., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2020).  Do longitudinal studies support long-term relationships between aggressive game play and youth aggressive behavior?  A meta-analytic examination.  Royal Society Open Science.

Rios, V., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2020).  News media coverage of crime and violent drug crime: A case for cause or catalyst?  Justice Quarterly 37(6), 1012-1039.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2020).  Child abuse, spanking and adult dating violence: A replication study of Temple et al., 2018.  Psychiatric Quarterly, 91(3), 835-840.

Ferguson, C. J., Bean, A., M., Nielsen, R. K. L., & Smyth, M. P.  (2020).  Policy on unreliable game addiction diagnoses puts the cart before the horse.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 9(4), 533-540.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2020).  Video games during the time of the plague.  Psychological Inquiry, 31(3), 242-246.

Ferguson, C. J., Nielsen, R. K., & Markey, P.  (2020.)  Movie smoking and teen smoking behavior: A critical methodological and meta-analytic review.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 9(2), 247-254.

Drummond, A., Sauer, J.D., Ferguson, C.J., & Hall, L.C.  (2020).  The relationship between problem gambling, excessive gaming, psychological distress and spending on loot boxes in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and the United States - A cross-national survey.  PLoS One.  Retrieved from:


Ferguson, C.J.  (2019).  A preregistered longitudinal analysis of aggressive video games and aggressive behaviour in Chinese youth.  Psychiatric Quarterly, 90, 843-847.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2019).  13 reasons why not: A methodological and meta-analytic review of evidence regarding suicide contagion by fictional media.  Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49(4),  1178-1186. 

Jeong, E.J., Ferguson, C.J., & Lee, S.J.  (2019).  Pathological gaming in young adolescents: A longitudinal study focused on academic stress and self-control in South Korea.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(12), 2333-2342.

Hijazi, A., Ferguson, C.J., Ferraro, F.R., Hall, H., Hovee, M., & Wilcox, S. (2019). Psychological dimensions of drone warfare. Current Psychology, 38, 1285-1296.

Ferguson, C.J., & Wang, C.K.J.  (2019).  Aggressive video games are not a risk factor for future aggression in youth: A longitudinal study.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(8), 1439-1451.

Beaver, K. M., Boccio, C., Smith, S., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2019.)  Physical attractiveness and criminal justice processing: Results from a longitudinal sample of youth and adolescents.  Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 26, 669-681.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2019).  Real violence vs imaginary guns: Why reframing the debate on video game violence is necessary.  In Federico Alvarez Igarzábal, Michael S. Debus, and Curtis Maughan (Eds.), Violence, Perception, Video Games. New Directions in Game Research.  Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag.

Elson, M., Ferguson, C. J., Gregerson, M., Hogg, J. L., Ivory, J., Klisanin, D., Markey, P. M., Nichols, D., Siddiqui, S., & Wilson, J.  (2019).  Do policy statements on media effects faithfully represent the science? Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 2(1), 12-25.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2019).  The fame monster: Unintended consequence of fame for psychological science.  New Ideas in Psychology, 54, 35-39.

Fisher, S., Lindner, D., & Ferguson, C. J. (2019). The effects of exposure to catcalling on women's state self-objectification and body image. Current Psychology, 38(6), 1495-1502.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2019).  Embrace the unknown.  The Psychologist, 32, 46-49.

Ferguson, C. J.  & Markey, P.  (2019).  PG-13 rated movie violence and societal violence: Is there a link?  Psychiatric Quarterly 90(2), 395-403. 

Larezelere, R. E, Gunnoe, M. L., Ferguson, C. J., & Roberts, M. W.  (2019.)  The Insufficiency of the evidence used to categorically oppose spanking and its implications for families and psychological science: Comment on Gershoff et al. (2018)American Psychologist 74(4), 497-499.   

Chadee, D., Smith, S., & Ferguson, C.J. (2019). Murder she watched: Does watching news or fictional media cultivate fear of crime? Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(2), 125-133.

Drame, C., & Ferguson, C. J. (2019). Measurements of intelligence in sub-Saharan Africa: Perspectives gathered from research in Mali. Current Psychology, 38(1), 110-115. 

Ferguson, C.J.  (2019).  The evolutionary roots of media-based moral panics.  In J. Breuer, D. Pietschmann, B. Leibold & B. Lange (Eds.), Evolutionary Psychology and Digital Games (118-130).  Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 

Smith, S., Gomez-Auyong, Z. E., & Ferguson, C. J. (2019). Social learning, social disorganization and psychological risk factors for criminal gangs in a British youth context. Deviant Behavior, 40(6), 722-731.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2018).  Video game influences on aggression, cognition and attention.  New York: Springer

Auyong, Z.E.G., Smith, S., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2018).  Girls in gangs: Exploring risk in a British youth context.  Crime and Delinquency, 64(13), 1698-1717.

Ferguson, C. J. (2018). Violent video games, Sexist video games and the law: Why can't we find effects? Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 14, 411-426.

Ferguson, C. J. (2018). The problem of false positives and false negatives in violent video game experiments. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 56, 35-43.

Ferguson, C.J., & Colwell, J. (2018). A meaner, more callous digital world for youth? The relationship between violent digital games, motivation, bullying and civic behavior amongst children. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 7(3), 202-215.

Larzelere, R. E., Gunnoe, M. L., & Ferguson, C. J. (2018). Improving causal inferences in meta-analyses of longitudinal studies: Spanking as an illustration. Child Development, 89(6), 2038-2050.

Ferguson, C. J. (2018). The devil wears Stata: Thin-ideal media’s minimal contribution to our understanding of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 6, 70-79.

Smith, S., Ferguson, C.J., & Beaver, K. (2018) Learning to blast a way into crime, or just good clean fun? Examining aggressive play with toy weapons and its relation with crime. Criminal Behavior and Mental Health, 28(4), 313-323.

Smith, S., Ferguson, C. J., & Beaver, K. (2018). A longitudinal analysis of shooter games and their relationship with conduct disorder and crime. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 58, 48-53.

Ferguson, C.J., Brown, J.M., & Torres, A.V.  (2018).  Education or indoctrination? The accuracy of introductory psychology textbooks in covering controversial topics and urban legends about psychologyCurrent Psychology, 37(3), 574-582.

Copenhaver, A., & Ferguson, C. J. (2018). Selling violent video game solutions: A look inside the APA’s internal notes leading to the creation of the APA’s 2005 resolution on violence in video games and interactive media. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 57, 77-84.

Berryman, C., Ferguson, C. J., & Negy, C. (2018). Social media use and mental health among young adults. Psychiatric Quarterly, 89,(2), 307-314.

Ferguson, C.J., McGuire, R., & Lemar, S. (2018). Pick your poison: Choice of activity determines mood management following a stressful task. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma 27(3), 332-346.

Kneer, J., Jacobs, R., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2018).  You could have just asked: The perception of motivations to play violent video games.  Studies in Media and Communication, 6(2), retrieved from:

Van Rooij, A., Ferguson, C.J., Colder-Carras, M., Kardefelt-Winther, D., Shi, J., Aarseth, E., et al.  (2018).  A weak scientific basic for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution.  Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(1),



Aarseth, E., Bean, A.M., Boonen, H., Colder-Carras, M., Coulson, M., Das, D.,…Ferguson, C.J., et al.  (2017).  Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 gaming disorder proposal. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6(3),

Bean, A.M., Nielsen, R.K.L, van Rooij, A.J., & Ferguson, C.J. (2017). Video game addiction: The push to pathologize video games. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 48(5), 378-389.

Markey, P.M., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2017).  Internet gaming addiction: Disorder or moral panic?  American Journal of Psychiatry, 174(3), 195-196.

Copenhaver, A., Mitrofan, O., & Ferguson, C.J. (2017). For video games, bad news is good news: News reporting of violent video game studies. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 20(12), 735-738.

Ferguson, C.J. & Donnellan, M.B. (2017). Are associations between “sexist” video games and decreased empathy toward women robust? A reanalysis of Gabbiadini et al. 2016. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(12), 2446-2459.

Ferguson, C.J., & Donnellan, M.B. (2017). The association between sexist games and diminished empathy remains tenuous: Lessons from Gabbiadini et al. (2017) and Gabbiadini et al. (2016) regarding sensationalism and accuracy in media research. Journal of Youth and Adolescence,46(12), 2467-2474.

Ferguson, C.J. (2017). Everything in moderation: Moderate use of screens unassociated with child behavior problems. Psychiatric Quarterly, 88(4), 797-805.

Savage, J. Ferguson, C.J., & Flores, L. (2017). The effect of academic achievement on aggression and violent behavior: A meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 37, 91-101.

Markey, P.M., & Ferguson, C.J. (2017) Moral combat: Why the war on video games is wrong. Dallas, TX: BenBella Books.

Ferguson, C.J., Nielsen, R.K.L., & Maguire, R. (2017). Do older adults hate video games until they play them? A proof-of-concept study. Current Psychology, 36(4), 919-926.

Ferguson, C.J., & Colwell, J. (2017) Understanding why scholars hold different views on the influences of video games on public health. Journal of Communication, 67(3), 305-327.

Decamp, W., & Ferguson, C.J. (2017). The impact of degree of exposure to violent video games, family background, and other factors on youth violence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(2), 388-400.

Ferguson, C.J., Nielsen, R.K.L., & Markey, P. (2017). Does sexy media promote teen sex? A meta-analytic and methodological review. Psychiatric Quarterly, 88(2), 349-358.

Heene, M., & Ferguson, C. J. (2017). Psychological science's aversion to the null and why many of the things you think are true, aren't. In S. Lilienfeld & I. Waldman (Eds.), Psychological Science Under Scrutiny (pp. 34-52). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Ferguson, C.J., Colon-Motas, K., Esser, C., Lanie, C., Purvis, S., & Williams, M. (2017). The (not so) Evil Within? Agency in video game choice and the impact of violent content. Simulation and Gaming,48(3), 329-337.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2017).  Alice.  In J. Banks, R Mejia & A. Adams (Eds.), 100 Greatest Video Game Characters.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education. 

Ferguson, C.J., & Beresin, E. (2017) Social science's curious war with pop culture and how it was lost: The media violence debate and the risks it holds for social science. Preventative Medicine, 99, 69-76.

Larzelere, R.E., Gunnoe, M. L., Roberts, M.W. & Ferguson, C.J. (2017). Children and parents deserve better parental discipline research: Critiquing the evidence for exclusively “positive” parenting. Marriage & Family Review, 53(1), 24-35.

Van Rooij, A., Ferguson, C.J., Van de Mheen, D., & Schoenmakers, T. (2017). Time to abandon Internet Addiction? Predicting problematic internet, game, and social media use from psychosocial well-being and application use. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 14, 113-121.

Winegard, B., & Ferguson, C.J. (2017). The development of rampage shooters: Myths and uncertainty in the search for causes. In L. Wilson (Ed.), The Wiley handbook of the psychology of mass shootings.  New York, NY: Wiley Blackwell.

Ferguson, C.J., Bowman, N.D., & Kowert, R.  (2017).  Is the link between games and aggression more about the player, less about the game?  In P. Sturmey (Editor-in-Chief), The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.



Griffiths, M.D., Van Rooij, A., Kardefelt-Winther, D., Starcevic, V., Király, O...Ferguson, et al. (2016). Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder: A critical commentary on Petry et al (2014). Addiction, 111(1), 167-178.

Ferguson, C. J. (2016). Media psychology 101. New York, NY: Springer.

Ferguson, C. J. (2016). Superheroes: Saving the world, or ruining it child by child? Psychology Review, 22(2), 18-21.

Ferguson, C. J. (2016). New evidence suggests media violence effects may be minimal. Psychiatric Times. (Requires free registration to access.)

Ferguson, C. J. (2016). Free will, mechanism, and the nature of being human: Reply to Tryon (2016). American Psychologist, 71(6), 507-508.

Ramos, R., Ferguson, C. J. & Frailing, K. (2016). Violent entertainment and cooperative behavior: Examining media violence effects on cooperation in a primarily Hispanic sample. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5, 119-132.

Ferguson, C. J. (2016). Our struggle between science and pseudoscience. The Psychologist, 29, 362-367.

Roy, A., & Ferguson, C.J. (2016). Competitively versus cooperatively? An analysis of the effect of game play on levels of stress. 5, 56, 14-20.

Merritt, A., LaQuea, R., Cromwell, R., & Ferguson, C.J. (2016). Media managing mood: A look at the possible effects of violent media on affect. Child and Youth Care Forum, 45, 241-258.

Coulson, M., & Ferguson, C. J. (2016). The influence of digital games on aggression and violent crime. In R. Kowert, T. Quandt, R. Kowert, T. Quandt (Eds.) , The video game debate: Unravelling the physical, social, and psychological effects of digital games (pp. 54-73). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Ferguson, C. J., & Beaver, K. M. (2016). Who's afraid of the big, bad video game? Media-based moral panics. In D. Chadee, D. Chadee (Eds.) , Psychology of fear, crime, and the media: International perspectives (pp. 240-252). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.



Ferguson, C. J. (2015). Clinicians' attitudes toward video games vary as a function of age, gender and negative beliefs about youth: A sociology of media research approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 52, 379-386.

Ivory, J.D., Markey, P.M., Elson. M., Colwell, J., Ferguson, C. J., Griffiths, M.D., Savage, J., & Williams, K.D. (2015). Manufacturing consensus in a diverse field of scholarly opinions: A comment on Bushman, Gollwitzer, and Cruz. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4, 222-229.

Bowman, N. D., Kowert, R., & Ferguson, C. J. (2015). The impact of video game play on human (and orc) creativity. In G. P. Green and J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Video games and creativity (pp. 39-60). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2015, December).  Video game heroines can kick sexism's buttChronicle of Higher Education.  B14-15

Ferguson, C. J., Trigani, B., Pilato, S., Miller, S., Foley, K., & Barr, H. (2015). Violent video games don’t increase hostility in teens but they do stress girls out. Psychiatric Quarterly, 87(1), 49-56.

Ferguson, C. J., & Konijn, E. A. (2015). She said/he said: A peaceful debate on video game violencePsychology of Popular Media Culture4 (4), 397-411.

Konijn, E., van de Schoot, R., Winter, S., & Ferguson, C.J. (2015). Possible solution to publication bias through Bayesian statistics, including proper null hypothesis testing. Communication Methods and Measures, 9(4), 280-302.

Ferguson, C. J. (2015). Do angry birds make for angry children? A meta-analysis of video game Influences on children's and adolescents' aggression, mental health, prosocial behavior and academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, 646-666.

Ferguson, C. J. (2015). Pay no attention to that data behind the curtain: On angry birds, happy children, scholarly squabbles, publication bias and why betas rule metas. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, 683-691.

Ferguson, C. J. (2015). "Everybody knows psychology is not a real science": Public perceptions of psychology and how we can improve our relationship with policymakers, the scientific community, and the general public. American Psychologist, 70, 527-542.

Ferguson, C. J. (2015). The case against scholarly consensus. Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from:

Ferguson, C. J., Barr, H., Figueroa, G., Foley, K., Gallimore, A., LaQuea, R., Merritt, A., Miller, S., Nguyen-Pham, H., Spanogle, C., Stevens, J., Trigani, B., & Garza, A.  (2015).  Digital poison? Three studies examining the influence of violent video games on youth. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 399-410.

Ferguson, C.J. (2015). Does movie or video game violence predict societal violence? It depends on what you look at and when. Journal of Communication, 65, 193-212.

Ferguson, C. J. (2015). Social media, societal changes, and mental health: You can live online wholesale. In C. Markey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health (2nd Edition). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.




Negy, C., Reig-Ferrer, A., Gaborit, M., & Ferguson, C. (2014). Psychological homelessness and enculturative stress among U.S. - deported Salvadorans: A Preliminary Study with a Novel Approach. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 16, 1278-1283.

Ferguson, C. J., Contreras, S., & Kilburn, M.  (2014).  Advertising and fictional media effects on healthy eating choices in early and later childhoodPsychology of Popular Media Culture, 3, 164-173.
Ferguson, C. J., & Ceranoglu, T. A.  (2014).  Attention problems and pathological gaming: Resolving the 'chicken and egg' in a prospective analysisPsychiatric Quarterly, 85, 103-110. 

Ferguson, C. J., & Negy, C.  (2014).  Development of a brief screening questionnaire for histrionic personality symptomsPersonality and Individual Differences, 66, 124-127.

Kneer, J., Rieger, D., Ivory, J. D., & Ferguson, C. (2014). Awareness of risk factors for digital game addiction: Interviewing players and counselors. International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction, 12, 585-599.  doi:10.1007/s11469-014-9489-y

Ferguson, C. J., Olson, C. K., Kutner, L. A., & Warner, D. E. (2014). Violent video games, catharsis-seeking, bullying and delinquency: A multivariate analysis of effects. Crime and Delinquency, 60(5), 764-784.

Ferguson, C. J. (2014). Is video game violence bad? The Psychologist, 27(5), 324-327.

Elson, M., & Ferguson, C. J. (2014). Gun violence and media effects: Challenges for science and public policy. British Journal of Psychiatry, 203(5), 322-324.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  Comment: Why meta-analyses rarely resolve ideological debates.  Emotion Review, 6(3), 251-252.
Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  The uses and misuses of bivariate correlations: The case of video game violence research.  In SAGE Research Methods Cases.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  DOI:


Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  A way forward for video game violence research: Reply to Hoffman (2014) and Bushman and Pollard-Sacks (2014).  American Psychologist, 69(3), 307-309.


Elson, M., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  Twenty-five years of research on violence in digital games and aggression: Empirical evidence, perspectives, and a debate gone astray.  European Psychologist, 19(1), 33-46. 


Elson, M., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  Does doing media violence research make one aggressive? The ideological rigidity of social cognitive theories of media violence and response to Bushman and Huesmann (2013), Krahé (2013), and Warburton (2013).  European Psychologist 19(1), 68-75.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  When is a book review really something else? A response to the review of Adolescents, Crime and the Media: A Critical Analysis.  PsycCRITIQUES. 


Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  Action game evidence for experimental effects on aggression and visuospatial cognition: Similarities, differences and one rather foolish question.  Frontiers in Psychology. 


Ferguson, C. J.  & Donnellan, M. B.  (2014).  Is the association between children’s baby video viewing and poor language development robust? A reanalysis of Zimmerman, Christakis, and Meltzoff (2007). Developmental Psychology, 50(1), 129-137.


Donnellan, M. B., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2014).  Supersizing effect sizes raises concerns: A reply to Zimmerman.  Developmental Psychology, 50(1), 141-142.


Ferguson, C. J., Munoz, M. E., Garza, A., & Galindo, M.  (2014).  Concurrent and prospective analyses of peer, television and social Media Influences on body dissatisfaction, eating disorder symptoms and life satisfaction in adolescent girls.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(1), 1-14.


Ferguson, C. J., & Olson, C. K.  (2014).  Video game violence use among “vulnerable” populations: The impact of violent games on delinquency and bullying among children with clinically elevated depression or attention deficit symptoms.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(1), 127-136.






Negy, C., Ferguson, C. J., Galvanovskis, A., & Smither, R.  (2013).  Predicting violence: A cross-national study of United States and Mexican young adults.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 32(1), 54-70.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2013).  A moral panic in progress: Video games and the media.  The Criminologist, 38(5), 32-35.


Jerabeck, J. M., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2013).  The influence of solitary and cooperative violent video game play on aggressive and prosocial behavior.  Computers in Human Behavior, 26(9), 2573-2578.


Ferguson, C. J., Salmond, K., & Modi, K.  (2013).  Reality TV predicts both positive and negative outcomes for adolescent girls.  Journal of Pediatrics, 162, 1175-1180.


Rogers, D. L., Kranz, P. L. & Ferguson, C. J.  (2013).  A strategy for involving undergraduates in research.  Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 11, 55-66.   


Ferguson, C. J.  (2013).  Violent video games and the Supreme Court: Lessons for the scientific community in the wake of Brown v EMA.  American Psychologist, 68(2), 57-74.


Ferguson, C. J., Ivory, J. D., & Beaver, K. M.  (2013).  Genetic, maternal, school, intelligence and media use predictors of adult criminality: A longitudinal test of the catalyst model in adolescence through early adulthood.  Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 22(5), 447-460.


Hong, J.S., Espelage, D.L., Ferguson, C.J., & Allen-Meares, P. (2013). Violence prevention and intervention. In G.W. Muschert, S. Henry, N.L. Bracy, & A.A. Peguero (eds.), Responding to school violence: Confronting the Columbine effect (pp 139-156). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers (invited).


Ferguson, C. J.  (2013).  'Not in My Class You Don't!': The naive association of video games with aggression as a hindrance to their use in education.  In K. Bredl & W. Bösche (Eds.), Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare (pp. 41-58).  Herskey, PA: IGI Global.


Ferguson, C. J., & Olson, C. K.  (2013).  Friends, fun, frustration and fantasy: Child motivations for video game play.  Motivation and Emotion, 37(1), 154-164.  doi:10.1007/s11031-012-9284-7


Ferguson, C. J.  (2013).  In the eye of the beholder: Thin-ideal media affects some but not most viewers in a meta-analytic review of body dissatisfaction in women and men.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2(1), 20-37.


Ramos, R. A., Ferguson, C. J., Frailing, K., & Romero-Ramirez, M.  (2013).  Comfortably numb or just yet another movie? Media violence exposure does not reduce viewer empathy for victims of real violence among primarily Hispanic viewers.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2(1), 2-10.


Ferguson, C. J., Garza, A., Jerabeck, J., Ramos, R., & Galindo, M.  (2013).  Not worth the fuss after all? Cross-sectional and prospective data on violent video game influences on aggression, visuospatial cognition and mathematics ability in a sample of youth.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(1), 109-122.  doi:10.1007/s10964-012-9803-6


Ferguson, C. J.  (2013).  Spanking, corporal punishment and negative long-term outcomes: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies.  Clinical Psychology Review, 33, 196-208.  doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2012.11.002





Ferguson, C. J., & Ivory, J. D.  (2012).  A futile game: On the prevalence and causes of misguided speculation about the role of violent video games in mass school shootings.  In G.W. Muschert and J. Sumiala, (Eds.), School Shootings: Mediated Violence in a Global Age (pp 47-67.  Emerald Group Publishing Limited.    


Ferguson, C. J. & Heene, M.  (2012).  A vast graveyard of undead theories: Publication bias and psychological science’s aversion to the null.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7(6) 550-556.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2012).  Positive female role-models eliminate negative effects of sexually violent media.  Journal of Communication, 62, 888-899.


Coulson, M., Barnett, J., Ferguson, C. J., & Gould, R. L. (2012). Real feelings for virtual people: Emotional attachments and interpersonal attraction in video games.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 1(3), 176-184.


Ferguson, C. J., Munoz M. E., Winegard, B., & Winegard, B.  (2012).  The influence of heritability, neuroticism, maternal warmth and media use on disordered eating behaviors: A prospective analysis of twins.  Psychiatric Quarterly, 83, 353-360.


Ferguson, C. J., & Dyck, D.  (2012).  Paradigm change in aggression research: The time has come to retire the General Aggression Model.  Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17(3), 220-228.


Munoz, M. E., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2012).  Body dissatisfaction correlates with inter-peer competitiveness, not media exposure: A brief report.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 31(4), 383-392. 


Ferguson, C. J., & Brannick, M. T.  (2012).  Publication bias in psychological science: Prevalence, methods for identifying and controlling and implications for the use of meta-analyses.  Psychological Methods,17(1), 120-128.


Ferguson, C. J., Munoz, M. E., & Medrano, M. R.  (2012).  Advertising influences on young children’s food choices are only marginally reduced by parental influence: A randomized controlled experiment.  Journal of Pediatrics, 160(3), 452-455.


Ferguson, C. J.  & Savage, J.  (2012).  Have recent studies addressed methodological issues raised by five decades of television violence research? A Critical review.  Aggression and Violent Behavior, 17, 129-139.


Ferguson, C. J., San Miguel, C., Garza, A., & Jerabeck, J.  (2012).  A longitudinal test of video game violence effects on dating violence, aggression and bullying: A 3-year longitudinal study of adolescents.  Journal of Psychiatric Research, 46, 141-146.


Valadez, J. J. & Ferguson, C. J.  (2012).  Just a game after all: Violent video game exposure and time spent playing effects on hostile feelings, depression, and visuospatial cognition.  Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 608-616.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2012).  Violence in video games: Advocating for the wrong cause?  Child and Family Policy and Practice Advocate, 35(1), 16-18.





Ferguson, C. J., Coulson, M., & Barnett, J.  (2011).  A Meta-analysis of pathological gaming prevalence and comorbidity with mental health, academic and social problems.  Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(12), 1573-1578.


Ferguson, C. J., Coulson, M., & Barnett, J.  (2011).  Psychological profiles of school shooters: Positive directions and one big wrong turn.  Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations11(2), 141-158.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2011).  VVG research in the aftermath of Brown v EMA: Lessons for the field of criminology.  The Criminologist, 36(6), 14-16.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2011).  A further plea for caution against medical professionals overstating video game violence effects.  Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 86(8), 820-821.  (Note that this comment is on Hall, Day & Hall, 2011 and includes discussions by scholars both supportive and against the conclusions of the original Hall, Day & Hall article which can be found here.)


Ferguson, C. J., Munoz, M. E., Contreras, C., & Velasquez, K.  (2011).  Mirror, mirror on the wall: Peer competition, television influences and body image dissatisfaction.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 30(5), 458-483.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2011).  Video games and youth violence: A prospective analysis in adolescents.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(4). 377-391.

Ferguson, C. J., Winegard, B., & Winegard, B. M.  (2011).  Who is the fairest one of all? How evolution guides peer and media influences on female body dissatisfaction.  Review of General Psychology, 15(1), 11-28. 


Ferguson, C. J., Colwell, J., Mlacic, B., Milas, G., & Mikloušic, I.  (2011).  Personality and media influences on violence and depression in a cross-national sample of young adults: Data from Mexican-Americans, English and Croatians.  Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1195-1200.

Ferguson, C. J., & Garza, A.  (2011).  Call of (civic) Duty: Action games and civic behavior in a large sample of youth.  Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 770-775.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2011).  Love is a battlefield: Risk factors and gender disparities for domestic violence among Mexican Americans.  Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 20(2), 227-236.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2011).  Seeing past the blame game.  Chronicle of Higher Education. 


Rogers, D. L., & Ferguson, C. J. (2011). Punishment and rehabilitation attitudes toward sex offenders versus nonsexual offenders. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 20(4), 395-414.



Ferguson, C.J., Cruz, A., Martinez, D., Rueda, S., & Ferguson, D.  (2010).  Violence and sex as advertising strategies in television commercials.  European Psychologist, 15(4), 304-311.

Ferguson, C.J., & Meehan, D. C.  (2010).  Saturday night’s alright for fighting: Antisocial traits, fighting, and weapons carrying in a large sample of youth.  Psychiatric Quarterly, 81 293-302.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  The modern hunter-gatherer hunts aliens and gathers power-ups: The evolutionary appeal of violent video games and how they can be beneficial.  In N. Koch (Ed.), Evolutionary psychology and information systems research: A new approach to studying the effects of modern technologies on human behavior (p/ 329-342).  New York:  Springer.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  Video games and adolescents.  In R. Levesque (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Adolescence.  Springer.

Beaver, K.M., Ferguson, C.J. & Lynn-Whaley, J.  (2010).  The Association between parenting and levels of self-control: A genetically informative analysis.  Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(10) 1045-1065.

Ferguson, C. J.  & Olson, C. K.  (2010).    The Supreme Court and video game violence: Will regulation be worth the costs to the First Amendment?  The Criminologist, 35(4), 18-21.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  The wild west of assessment: Measuring aggression and violence in video games.  In L. Annetta and S. Bronack, (Eds.).  Serious Educational Game Assessment: Practical Methods and Models for Educational Games, Simulations and Virtual Worlds (pp. 31-44).  Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  Narcissism run rampant?  Let’s not flatter ourselves.  The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Ferguson, C. J. & Rueda, S. M.   (2010).  The Hitman study: Violent video game exposure effects on aggressive behavior, hostile feelings and depression.  European Psychologist, 15(2), 99-108.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  Introduction to the special issue on video games.  Review of General Psychology, 14(2)

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  Blazing Angels or Resident Evil? Can violent video games be a force for good?  Review of General Psychology, 14(2), 68-81.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  Put video games to good useChronicle of Higher Education.   

Ferguson, C. J.  (2010).  A meta-analysis of normal and disordered personality across the lifespan.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(4), 659-667.

Ferguson, C. J., & Kilburn, J.  (2010).  Much ado about nothing: The misestimation and over interpretation of violent video game effects in Eastern and Western nations ~ Comment on Anderson et al. (2010).  Psychological Bulletin, 136(2), 174-178.

Ferguson, C.J.  (2010). 
 Genetic contributions to antisocial personality and behavior (APB): A meta-analytic review from an evolutionary perspective  Journal of Social Psychology, 150(2) 160-180

Ferguson, C. J., San Miguel, C., & Hartley, R.  (2010).  Reply to Brooks, (2010).  Journal of Pediatrics, 156(3), 513-514.

, C.J., & Kilburn, J.  (2010).  Reply to Zimmerman & Strasburger, (2010).  Journal of Pediatrics, 156(1), 169-170.


Ferguson, C. J.  San Miguel, C., & Hartley, R. D.  (2009).  A multivariate analysis of youth violence and aggression: The influence of family, peers, depression and media violence.  Journal of Pediatrics, 155(6), 904-908.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2009).  An effect size primer: A guide for clinicians and researchers.  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(5), 532-538.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2009).  Violent video games: Dogma, fear and pseudo-science.  Sceptical Inquirer, 33(5), 38-54.

Beaver, K. M., Ratchford, M., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2009).  Evidence of genetic and environmental effects on the development of low self-control.  Criminal Justice and Behavior, 36(11), 1158-1172.

Ferguson, C. J.  (Ed.).  (2009).  Violent crime: Clinical and social implications.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Ferguson, C. J.  & Hartley, R. D.  (2009).  The pleasure is momentary...the expense damnable? The influence of pornography on rape and sexual assault.  Aggression and Violent   Behavior, 14(5), 323-329

Ferguson, C. J .  & Beaver, K. M.  (2009).  Natural born killers: The genetic origins of extreme violenceAggression and Violent Behavior , 14(5), 286-294.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2009).  Not every child is secretly a genius.  Chronicle of Higher Education,

Ferguson, C. J.  (2009).  Is psychological research really as good as medical research? Effect size comparisons between psychology and medicine.  Review of General Psychology, 13(2), 130-136.

Ferguson. C. J.,  & Kilburn, J.  (2009).  The Public health risks of media violence: A meta-analytic review.  Journal of Pediatrics 154(5).  759-763.

Ferguson, C. J. & Rueda, S. M.  (2009).  Examining the validity of the Modified Taylor Competitive Reaction Time Test of aggression.  Journal of Experimental Criminology, 5(2), 121-137.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2009).  Media violence effects: Confirmed truth, or just another X-File?  Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 9(2), 103-126.

Ferguson, C .J.  (2009).  Research on the effects of violent video games: A critical analysis.  Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 3.


Ferguson, C. J.  (2008).  The school shooting/violent video game link: Causal link or moral panic?  Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 5, 25-37.

Ferguson, C. J., Smith, S., Miller-Stratton, S., Fritz, S., & Heinrich, E.  (2008).  Aggression in the laboratory: Problems with the validity of the modified Taylor Competitive Reaction Time Test as a measure of aggression in media violence studies.  Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 17, 118-132.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2008). Youth bashing gets old.  Chronicle of Higher Education, 54(48), B5.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2008).  Violent video games: How hysteria and pseudoscience created a phantom public health crisis.  Paradigm, 12(2), 12-13, 22.

Ferguson, C .J., Rueda, S., Cruz, A., Ferguson, D., Fritz, S., & Smith, S.  (2008).  Violent video games and aggression: Causal relationship or byproduct of family violence and intrinsic violence motivation?  Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35, 311-332.

Ferguson, C. J., Cruz, A. M., Martinez, D., Rueda, S. M., Ferguson, D. E., & Negy, C.  (2008).  Personality, parental, and media influences on aggressive personality and violent crime in young adults.  Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 17, 395-414.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2008).  An evolutionary approach to understanding violent antisocial behavior: Diagnostic implications for duel-process etiology.  Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 8(4),  321-343.

Ferguson, C. J., Cruz, A., & Rueda, S.  (2008).  Gender, video game playing habits and visual memory tasks.  Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 58, 279-286.

 Ferguson, C. J.  (2008).  From fraud to Holocaust: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  In S. Matulich and D. Currie (Eds.), Handbook of Frauds, Scams, and Swindles: Failures of Ethics in Leadership (pp 141-150). New York: Taylor and Francis.

Ferguson, C. J., Miller-Stratton, H., Heinrich, E., Fritz, S., & Smith, S.  (2008).  Judgments of culpability in a filicide scenario.  International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 31(1), 51-50. 

Ferguson, C. J.  (2008).  Mental health counseling with Arab Americans.  In C. Negy (Ed.), Cross-cultural Psychotherapy:  Toward a Critical Understanding of Diverse Client Populations (2nd ed.).  Reno, NV: Bent Tree Press.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2008).  Portrayals of immigrants in mass media: Honest depiction of cultural differences or unfair stereotype?  In J. Warner (Ed.), Battleground Immigration (vol 1).   Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Kamath, V., Orooji, B., & Ferguson, C. J.  (2008).  Psychotherapy with Asian Indian immigrants: Evolving issues and concerns.  In C. Negy (Ed.), Cross-cultural Psychotherapy:  Toward a Critical Understanding of Diverse Client Populations (2nd ed.).  Reno, NV: Bent Tree Press.   Please contact Charles Negy for copy.

Negy, C., & Ferguson, C.J.  (2008).  Religious bigotry in multicultural psychology and therapy.  In C. Negy (Ed.), Cross-cultural Psychotherapy:  Toward a Critical Understanding of Diverse Client Populations (2nd ed.).  Reno, NV: Bent Tree Press.  Please contact Charles Negy for copy.


Ferguson, C. J., San Miguel, C., Kilburn, J., & Sanchez, P.  (2007).  The effectiveness of school-based anti-bullying programs: A meta-analytic review.  Criminal Justice Review, 32. 401-414.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2007).   The good, the bad and the ugly: A meta-analytic review of positive and negative effects of violent video games.  Psychiatric Quarterly, 78, 309-316.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2007).  Videogames: The latest scapegoat for violence.  The Chronicle of Higher Education: Chronicle Review, 53(42), B20.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2007).  Evidence for publication bias in video game violence effects literature: A meta-analytic review.  Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12, 470-482.



Cully, J., Graham, D., Stanley, M., Ferguson, C. J., Sharafkhaneh, A., Souchek, J., & Kunik, M.  (2006).  Quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbid anxiety or depression.  Psychosomatics: Journal of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, 47, 312-319.

Ferguson, C. J., Stanley, M., Souchek, J., & Kunik, M.E.  (2006).  The utility of somatic symptoms as indicators of depression and anxiety in military v eterans with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Depression and Anxiety, 23, 42-49.

Ferguson, C. J., & Negy, C.  (2006).  Development and preliminary validation of a defendant and offender screening tool for psychopathology in inmate populations.  Criminal Justice and Behavior, 33, 1-22.


Ferguson, C. J., & Meehan, D. C.  (2005).  An analysis of females convicted of sex crimes in the state of Florida.  Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 14(1), 75-89. 

Ferguson, C. J., Averill, P. M., Rhoades, H., Rocha, D., Gruber, N., & Gummattira, P.  (2005).  Social isolation, impulsivity and depression as predictors of aggression in a psychiatric inpatient population.  Psychiatric Quarterly, 76(2), 123-137.


Ferguson, C. J., & Negy, C.  (2004).  The influence of gender and ethnicity on judgments of culpability in a domestic violence scenario.  Violence and Victims, 19(2), 203-220.

Ferguson, C.  (2004).  Arab Americans: Acculturation and prejudice in an era of international conflict.  In C. Negy (Ed.), Cross-cultural Psychotherapy:  Toward a Critical Understanding of Diverse Client Populations (pp. 265-280).  Reno, NV: Bent Tree Press.

Negy, C., & Ferguson, C.  (2004).  Religious bigotry: The neglected "ism" in multicultural psychology.  In C. Negy (Ed.), Cross-cultural Psychotherapy:  Toward a Critical Understanding of Diverse Client Populations (pp. 61-76).  Reno, NV: Bent Tree Press.  Contact Charles Negy for a copy.

 Before 2004:

Ferguson, C. J., White, D. E., Cherry, S., Lorenz, M., & Bhimani, Z.  (2003).  Defining and classifying serial murder in the context of perpetrator motivation.  Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(3), 287-292.

Ferguson, C. J.  (2002). Externalizing disorders and the treatment of child anxiety: A preliminary study.  Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 24(3), 53-72.
Ferguson, C. J.  (2002).  Media violence: Miscast causality.  American Psychologist, 57(6-7), 446-447.
Ferguson, C. J.  (2000).  Free will: An automatic response.  American Psychologist, 55(7), 762-763.

Weems, C., Hammond-Laurence, K., Silverman, W., & Ferguson, C.  (1997).  The Relation between anxiety sensitivity and depression in children and adolescents referred for anxiety. Behavior Research and Therapy, 35, 961-966.
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